Surfer at Indian Beach

I just returned from a week-long trip to Oregon coast and northern California redwoods. I traveled with my good buddies Jim Talaric , Monte Trumbull and Jim Barber… and we all had a great time.
This was my first time shooting in the area; even after doing a lot of online research, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.
As is the case with most nature/landscape photography, weather is everything in coastal areas like this. Fog, clouds, sunrise/sunset times, chance of rain etc.  will totally dictate what shots you can get, and where. Plan to get wet, and plan to keep shooting.
As usual I traveled with my laptop, using a temporary working Lightroom catalog for the trip. (More about this in my Lightroom book …) Everything worked great.
I came home with nearly 1,000 captures; from which (mostly during the trip) I have edited down to around 50 “keepers”.
Here’s one shot, from the first night in Oregon. This is sunset at Ecola State Park, looking south toward Indian beach. A really beautiful place. We had varying light, people coming and going, and a tide that was not perfectly suited to our work. However I came away with a couple fo shots I’m happy with; this is one of them.
This image was processed [minimally] entirely in Lightroom. CLick for a larger preview.
Comments and critiques always appreciated!
Surfer at Indian Beach