New cave hotel in Matera, Italy

La-Dimora-di-MetelloOf all the places we travel and lead groups, we love Italy the most.
A couple of years ago we led a photo tour in Puglia, the “heel of the boot”. A wonderful trip, full of discoveries. (And, of course, spectacular photographs.)
One of the best discoveries was the town of Matera, which first gained fame as the shooting location for many scenes in Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ.
Visiting Matera is truly like stepping back in time. One of its most special and unique features is the cave dwellings, many of which have been inhabited since prehistoric times.
We stayed at the amazing Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita and loved it.
Now, there’s a new cave hotel that just opened. Looks fabulous, too!

Our last night, end of Puglia Photo Tour 2013

The last few days we’ve really enjoyed Matera, Basilicata, Italy. This morning we were treated to a gorgeous sunrise. Here’s a quick iPhone snap after the best light had started to fade. Plus a few pictures from around our amazing cave hotel, Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita.
Home in England tomorrow… I’ll start posting selected photos from our trip next week. It’s been an incredible and very productive trip!