New Nature Photography: Sunflowers at Sunset

A field of sunflowers in full bloom near the end of the summer on the Front Range in Colorado. Prints available; please contact us for details.I made this photo a few years ago during a lovely summer afternoon in Colorado. The sun had just gone behind the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains northwest of Denver, so the clear sky overhead created a very soft, diffused light over the field of sunflowers. I made two exposures: one for the flowers, and one for the colorful clouds. I processed the raw files in Lightroom and then merged them together using Photomatix. A bit of final cleanup and retouching was done in Photoshop. Prints available and comments always appreciated!

(Click for a larger version.)

New nature photograph: Summer in Crested Butte

A field of bright yellow wildflowers looks over the meandering waters of the East River below Gothic Road near Crested Butte, Colorado. Prints available; please contact us to order.A field of bright yellow wildflowers looks over the meandering waters of the East River below Gothic Road near Crested Butte, Colorado. This is one of my favorite places to photograph; I usually visit several times every year! Prints available; please contact us to order. (Click for a larger preview)