Custom Photo Tours
Sample itineraries from completed trips

Below are links to some of the detailed plans we’ve developed and followed on our custom photo tours and photography workshops for clients over the past few years. (These are provided as examples only … your custom photo workshop will be designed just for you!)


Real results

Don’t just take our word for it… we have worked with so many satisfied clients who have shared their supportive comments and photographs from their trips. Before you book your custom photo tours, we’ll be happy to provide references so you can communicate with our previous clients.

Here are just a few excerpts from comments we’ve received:
Read testimonials from previous clients >

These are only the beginning…

Nat has led hundreds of photography workshops, tours and classes all around the world, especially in North America and Europe. Before moving to the UK, he specialised in leading photography workshops throughout the American West (Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Oregon, Washington, California and Hawaii) and in New England (New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine…). We’re compiling more photos and itineraries from these locations and will continue updating this Inspiration section frequently, so check back soon!

in the meantime, see Nat’s travel photography at

Where would you like to go and learn photography?