New photo from Nice, France: Tapissier

When Ruth and I first arrived in Nice and were walking to our hotel, we passed this wonderful little workshop of an upholsterer. Since we had all our luggage with us and were eager to unload from our travels, I resolved to return and get a photo. A few days later we were able to go back to the place. I prepared my camera out of sight, planning a sneak attack to get a candid shot. I popped into the doorway and was able to fire a few frames before the man saw me and gave a huge, warm smile. The sneaky shots came out good too, but in the end I liked this one the best. With the man looking at the camera, his genuine, welcoming smile makes the image! I can’t imagine how he gets any work done in this crowded space. Click for a larger version.

Warsaw Knitter

While exploring Warsaw last spring, I came upon this lovely old woman knitting on the sidewalk. She has the most amazing face! (click for larger image)

Surfer at Indian Beach

I just returned from a week-long trip to Oregon coast and northern California redwoods. I traveled with my good buddies Jim Talaric , Monte Trumbull and Jim Barber… and we all had a great time.
This was my first time shooting in the area; even after doing a lot of online research, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.
As is the case with most nature/landscape photography, weather is everything in coastal areas like this. Fog, clouds, sunrise/sunset times, chance of rain etc.  will totally dictate what shots you can get, and where. Plan to get wet, and plan to keep shooting.
As usual I traveled with my laptop, using a temporary working Lightroom catalog for the trip. (More about this in my Lightroom book …) Everything worked great.
I came home with nearly 1,000 captures; from which (mostly during the trip) I have edited down to around 50 “keepers”.
Here’s one shot, from the first night in Oregon. This is sunset at Ecola State Park, looking south toward Indian beach. A really beautiful place. We had varying light, people coming and going, and a tide that was not perfectly suited to our work. However I came away with a couple fo shots I’m happy with; this is one of them.
This image was processed [minimally] entirely in Lightroom. CLick for a larger preview.
Comments and critiques always appreciated!
Surfer at Indian Beach