Designing Better Photographs

How to Craft Successful Images with Conscious Intent

When you’re editing through your photos, are you always happy with what you see? Are you consistently making pictures that come out as you intended? When you’re editing a photo, do you suspect that it could be better, but you’re not sure how?

This course is for you.

You know that creating great photographs involves far more than having the latest gear or watching a few YouTube videos. Mastering photography takes planning, persistence and patience.

And though many photographers are avid self-learners, you’re unlikely to get where you want to go without an expert guide.

This is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive course for serious photographers who have mastered the basics and are looking for powerful techniques to take their photography to the highest levels.

More than just what buttons to press, you will learn how to think more effectively about about image-making. How to visualise your results and achieve them.

Each lesson is packed with

  • Principles and concepts
  • Techniques and methods
  • Process and procedures

More than just ‘how to’, you will gain a deep understanding of the creative process that will give you the best results, every time,

When you’ve completed this course, you will be armed with creative tools that will serve you well into the future, as you produce powerful imagery that effectively conveys your highest artistic vision.

I’m Nat Coalson, a professional photographic artist and educator. For over twenty years, I’ve worked with thousands of student photographers and have identified the areas where most get stuck.

Throughout my entire adult life, I’ve rigorously studied the masters of visual arts and photography. And I’ve gained deep knowledge about how we human beings see and how we appreciate visual beauty.

And now you can learn all this, too!

Designing Better Photographs

How to Craft Successful Images with Conscious Intent

Now is the time to take control of your creativity and master the process of building dynamic, powerful photographs that effectively communicate your vision.

In this 4-week online course you will learn to master essential techniques in

  • Selecting the best subjects and scenes to photograph
  • Reading the scene and working with light
  • Pre-visualization and conscious intent
  • Framing and composition
  • Essential settings and camera operation
  • Managing your digital photo archives
  • Post-processing in Lightroom and Photoshop
  • Colour management and printing
  • … and much more!

This online course includes self-paced video and downloadable content so you can learn at your own speed.

Most importantly, you’ll also get one-to-one, private coaching plus live webinars and group discussion forums.

If you’re serious about your photography but have struggled to achieve the results you’re looking for, this course is for you!

And I guarantee that if you learn the concepts, apply the methods, and practice the techniques I’ll teach you in this course, all your images will improve… starting immediately!


  • 12 modules
  • 4 lessons per module + 1 Assignment (60 total lessons)
  • Each lesson 5-10 minutes
  • Over 5 hours of training in total!


  1. Foundations
  2. Conscious Creativity
  3. Defining Your Vision
  4. Picture Content
  5. Seeing Better
  6. Applied Photographic Design
  7. Building a Strong Image
  8. Dynamic Techniques
  9. Camera Work
  10. Editing the Shoot
  11. Processing a Photo
  12. Wrap


  • Quizzes
  • Exercises
  • Assignments
  • Student submissions for review and critique
  • Group Q&A / chat sessions


Module 02. Conscious Creativity
2.1 Creativity as Problem-Solving
2.2 Mindful Photography
2.3 Intention and Attention
2.4 Managing the Creative Process
2.5 Assignment: Your Creative Process

Module 05. Seeing Better
5.1 The Physics of Sight
5.2 Visual Awareness
5.3 Seeing with Your Mind’s Eye
5.4 Developing Photographic Vision
5.5 Assignment: Eyes Closed

“Nat, being the patient and perceptive teacher he is, has a way of leading you to look more carefully for the extraordinary amid the ordinary. The time with Nat has been a game changer. He is one of the best artists I know for inspiration, vision, growth and helping you capture all things beautiful.” —Teri G.

“Nat is an excellent teacher who makes complex technical subjects easy to understand and to implement. He is also a great teacher of the artistic dimensions of photography. Participating in his field workshops, as well as private coaching sessions, has helped me become a better photographer.” —Ron C.

“This was unquestionably the best workshop I have attended. An almost perfect balance between shooting and image processing/critique, the workshop covered the entire photographic workflow, from pre-visualization to final image critique.” —Dan G.

“I have taken several photographic workshops over the past few years and have found the ones that I took with Nat Coalson to be the best. Nat is very knowledgeable, has a great feel for the camera and post-production (Photoshop and Lightroom etc) and is inspirational in spurring you on to reach greater goals and to learn more about photography (and to enjoy it).” —Frank D.

“Both my compositional eye and technique improved very noticeably from your instruction. I was visualizing as I composed the shots how they would later look after post-processing. The instruction allowed me to fully experience ‘the moment.’” —Tom T.

“Nat is a very patient, well spoken, educated person; he has a great vocabulary and truly knows photography inside and out and can present information in an easy-to-grasp way. He is more than just a lecturer, he is a real teacher.” —Jock G.

“Nat Coalson is not only a passionate photographer, but also an accomplished digital professional. This combination makes him the perfect instructor.” —George J.

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